Zinc selenium oxochloride, β-Zn2(SeO3)Cl2, a synthetic polymorph of the mineral sophiite (2024)



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Zinc selenium oxochloride, β-Zn2(SeO3)Cl2, a synthetic polymorph of the mineral sophiite (3)Zinc selenium oxochloride, β-Zn2(SeO3)Cl2, a synthetic polymorph of the mineral sophiite (4)journal menu

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Zinc selenium oxochloride, β-Zn2(SeO3)Cl2, a synthetic polymorph of the mineral sophiite (31)

M. Johnsson and K. W. Törnroos

Dizinc selenium dichloride trioxide, β-Zn2(SeO3)Cl2, a monoclinic polymorph of the ortho­rhom­bic mineral sophiite, has a structure built of distorted ZnO4Cl2 octa­hedra, ZnO2Cl2 tetra­hedra and SeO3E tetra­hedra (E being the 4s2 lone pair of the SeIV ion), joined through shared edges and corners to form charge-neutral layers. The Cl atoms and the Se lone pairs protrude from each layer towards adjacent layers. The main structural difference between the mineral and synthetic polymorphs lies in the packing of the layers.


Supporting information

Crystallographic Information File (CIF) https://doi.org/10.1107/S0108270107012541/bc3038sup1.cif
Contains datablocks global, I

Structure factor file (CIF format) https://doi.org/10.1107/S0108270107012541/bc3038Isup2.hkl
Contains datablock I

Comment top

The synthesis and crystal structure determination of the new compoundβ-Zn2(SeO3)Cl2, (I), a synthetic polymorph of the mineral sophiite(sem*nova et al., 1992), is a result of an ongoing investigation of thestructural chemistry of selenium and tellurium oxohalides. Transition metaloxohalides containing p-element cations, such as SeIV or TeIV withstereochemically active lone pairs, frequently show a low-dimensionalarrangement of the metal ions. In these compounds, the transition metals tendto bond to both oxygen and halogens, while the main group elements preferablyform bonds only with oxygen. A simple explanation is that the hard Lewis acidSe4+ prefers the hard Lewis base O2-, while the softer Lewis acid Zn2+accepts both O2- and Cl- in an oxohalide environment. A consequence of thedifferent bonding preferences is that only the O atoms bond to both types ofcations and that the SeIV lone pairs and the halogen atoms act as `chemicalscissors' by reducing the dimensionality of the crystal structure (Johnssonet al., 2000, 2003; Johnsson & Törnroos, 2003a,b). Theaim of this study was to test this concept of synthesis on the systemZnO2–ZnCl2–SeO2.

The crystal structure of (I) consists of charge neutral layers connected onlyvia van der Waals interactions (Fig. 1). The Se atom has a typicalone-sided threefold coordination owing to the presence of its stereochemicallyactive 4s2 lone pair (designated E), and its coordination polyhedronis therefore a slightly distorted [SeO3E] tetrahedron. Atom Zn1 iscoordinated by two O atoms and two Cl atoms, forming a distorted [ZnO2Cl2]tetrahedron, and atom Zn2 is coordinated by four O atoms and two Cl atoms,completing a distorted [ZnO4Cl2] octahedron (Table 1). The Zn2—Cl2distance is 2.4306(4) Å while the Zn2—Cl1 distance is 2.7645(5) Å. Thelatter is quite long, but bond valence sum calculations (Brown & Altermatt,1985) suggest that atom Cl2 should be treated as coordinated by the Zn atom.

The three different building units, viz. the [Zn1O2Cl2],[Zn2O4Cl2] and [SeO3E] groups, are connected to form infinite (010)layers. Each [ZnO4Cl2] polyhedron is linked to two others by cornersharing, forming infinite [001] chains within the layers. The chains areseparated by [ZnO2Cl2] and [SeO3E] groups and each [ZnO4Cl2]polyhedron shares two corners and one edge with three [ZnO2Cl2] groups, aswell as two corners and one edge with three [SeO3E] groups (Fig. 2).

The stereochemically active Se lone pairs are located between the layers,pointing in between the protruding Cl atoms of the opposite layer. Theshortest cation–anion distances between adjacent layers [Se···Cl1 = 3.5145(5) Å, Zn1···Cl1 = 3.6827(5) Å, Zn1···Cl2 = 4.7786(5) Å and Zn2···Cl2 =5.4849(7) Å] are similar to, or larger than, the cation–cation separationswithin the layers [Se···Zn2 = 2.9404(3) Å, Zn1···Zn2 = 3.2319(3) Å,Se···Zn1 = 3.3241(4) Å, Zn2···Zn2 = 3.8734(4) Å and Zn1···Zn1 = 4.1349(5) Å; symmetry codes as in Table 1]. The long interlayer distances imply thatthe layers are held together only by dispersion forces. Assuming an Se—Eradius of 1.22 Å (Galy et al., 1975), the fractional coordinates forthe lone pair E (x = 0.69, y = 0.47, z = 0.10)yield E···Cl1 and E···Cl2 contact distances of ~2.72 and ~ 2.71 Å,respectively.

The orthorhombic (Pccn) mineral sophiite shows the same connectivity ofthe building units within the layers as the synthetic form (I). The mainstructural difference between the two polymorphs is that every second layer inthe mineral structure is rotated 180° around the a axis; the layerrotation results in a doubling of the a axis.

Three other compounds are quite similar to the mineral sophiite, viz.CuZn(TeO3)Cl2 (Johnsson & Törnroos, 2003a), Zn2(TeO3)Cl2(Johnsson & Törnroos, 2003b) and Co2(TeO3)Br2 (Becker etal., 2006). They all crystallize in the orthorhombic space groupPccn. The main structural difference is that the octahedron around theatom corresponding to Zn2 is so distorted that it should rather be regarded asa square pyramid according to the idea that, for a ligand to be regarded asbonded, it should contribute more than 4% of the cation valence (Brown, 2002).A fourth related compound, Co2(TeO3)Cl2 (Becker et al., 2006),crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/m. However,instead of tetrahedral and octahedral coordination of the metal cations, itcontains two types of distorted octahedra, resulting in a completely differentconnectivity within the layers.

Related literature top

For related literature, see: Becker et al. (2006);Brown (2002);Brown & Altermatt (1985);Galy et al. (1975);Johnsson & Törnroos (2003a, 2003b);Johnsson et al. (2000, 2003);sem*nova et al. (1992).

Experimental top

Compound (I) was synthesized by chemical transport reactions in sealed evacuatedsoda-glass tubes. ZnCl2 (Avocado Research Chemicals Ltd, 98+%), ZnO (ABCR,99+%), and SeO2 (ABCR, 99+%) were used as starting materials. Equimolaramounts of ZnCl2 (0.135 g), ZnO (0.081 g) and SeO2 (0.110 g) were mixed ina mortar and placed in a glass tube (length ~5 cm), which was evacuatedand heated at 700 K for 72 h in a muffle furnace. The product appeared ascolourless transparent plate-like single crystals, with a maximum size of 0.5 mm, and powder. The crystals are hygroscopic. The synthesis product wascharacterized in a scanning electron microscope (SEM, Jeol 820) with anenergy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS, LINK AN10000) on ten different singlecrystals. Analysis found: Zn 38.0 (17), Se 20.8 (7), Cl 41.2 (23)%. No Sioriginating from the glass tube was detected.

Computing details top

Data collection: SMART (Bruker, 1999); cell refinement: SAINT (Bruker, 2001); data reduction: SAINT; program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 1990); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2001a); molecular graphics: SHELXTL/PC (Sheldrick, 2001b); software used to prepare material for publication: DIAMOND (Brandenburg, 2006) and PLATON (Spek, 2001).

Figures top

Fig. 1. The layer structure of (I) seen along [001]. Atomic displacementparameters are given at the 50% probability level. O and Cl atoms are darkgrey and white, respectively, and lone pairs (E) are black spheres ofarbitrary radius.
Fig. 2. Connectivity of the Zn2O4Cl2 octahedra (striped light grey),Zn1O2Cl2 tetrahedra (light gray) and SeO3E tetrahedra (dark gray) in(I). [Symmetry codes: (i) -x + 1, y - 1/2, -z + 3/2; (ii)x - 1, y, z + 1; (iii) x - 1, y, z +1; (iv) -x + 1, -y + 1, -z + 1; (v) x - 1,-y + 1/2, z + 1/2; (vi) -x + 1, y - 1/2, -z+ 1/2; (vii) x - 1, y, z; (viii) x - 1, y,z; (ix) -x + 1, -y + 1, -z.]

Dizinc selenium dichloride trioxide top

Crystal data


Zn2(SeO3)Cl2F(000) = 608
Mr = 328.60Dx = 3.678 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/cMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Hall symbol: -P 2ybcCell parameters from 4391 reflections
a = 7.6699 (8) Åθ = 2.7–32.6°
b = 10.2612 (11) ŵ = 15.02 mm1
c = 7.6571 (8) ÅT = 123 K
β = 100.004 (2)°Thin plate, colourless
V = 593.47 (11) Å30.26 × 0.24 × 0.02 mm
Z = 4

Data collection


2147 independent reflections
Radiation source: normal-focus sealed tube2015 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Graphite monochromatorRint = 0.023
ω scansθmax = 32.6°, θmin = 2.7°
Absorption correction: numerical
(SHELXTL/PC; Sheldrick, 2001b)
h = 1111
Tmin = 0.026, Tmax = 0.722k = 1515
10582 measured reflectionsl = 1111



Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullSecondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.013 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0152P)2 + 0.0506P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.032(Δ/σ)max = 0.002
S = 1.08Δρmax = 0.46 e Å3
2147 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.39 e Å3
74 parametersExtinction correction: SHELXL97, Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
0 restraintsExtinction coefficient: 0.0022 (2)

Crystal data


Zn2(SeO3)Cl2V = 593.47 (11) Å3
Mr = 328.60Z = 4
Monoclinic, P21/cMo Kα radiation
a = 7.6699 (8) ŵ = 15.02 mm1
b = 10.2612 (11) ÅT = 123 K
c = 7.6571 (8) Å0.26 × 0.24 × 0.02 mm
β = 100.004 (2)°

Data collection


2147 independent reflections
Absorption correction: numerical
(SHELXTL/PC; Sheldrick, 2001b)
2015 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Tmin = 0.026, Tmax = 0.722Rint = 0.023
10582 measured reflections



R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.01374 parameters
wR(F2) = 0.0320 restraints
S = 1.08Δρmax = 0.46 e Å3
2147 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.39 e Å3

Special details


Geometry. All e.s.d.'s (except the e.s.d. in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes)are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell e.s.d.'s are takeninto account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.'s in distances, anglesand torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.'s in cell parameters are onlyused when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic)treatment of cell e.s.d.'s is used for estimating e.s.d.'s involving l.s.planes.

Refinement. Refinement of F2 against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factorwR and goodness of fit S are based on F2, conventionalR-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero fornegative F2. The threshold expression of F2 >σ(F2) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc.and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement.R-factors based on F2 are statistically about twice as largeas those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will beeven larger. The maximum reidual peak (0.46 e A%-3) at 0.70 Å from Cl1 andthe largest hole (-0.39 A%-3) at 0.62 Å from Zn1.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2)


Se0.814070 (17)0.532687 (12)0.185624 (16)0.00879 (4)
Zn11.23059 (2)0.512495 (15)0.39561 (2)0.01097 (4)
Zn20.91497 (2)0.778634 (15)0.37326 (2)0.01199 (4)
Cl11.40404 (5)0.40258 (4)0.24339 (4)0.01666 (7)
Cl21.22516 (5)0.72269 (3)0.46610 (4)0.01458 (7)
O10.80793 (13)0.58925 (9)0.39417 (12)0.01222 (18)
O21.01471 (13)0.45454 (9)0.22034 (13)0.01211 (18)
O30.87607 (13)0.68185 (9)0.12038 (12)0.01166 (18)

Atomic displacement parameters (Å2)


Se0.01005 (7)0.00769 (6)0.00854 (6)0.00035 (4)0.00135 (4)0.00062 (4)
Zn10.01247 (8)0.01043 (8)0.01031 (7)0.00046 (5)0.00284 (5)0.00028 (5)
Zn20.01889 (9)0.00836 (8)0.00924 (7)0.00206 (5)0.00391 (6)0.00084 (5)
Cl10.01446 (15)0.02138 (16)0.01493 (15)0.00337 (12)0.00473 (12)0.00135 (11)
Cl20.01543 (15)0.01019 (14)0.01694 (15)0.00068 (11)0.00045 (12)0.00019 (11)
O10.0176 (5)0.0100 (4)0.0100 (4)0.0012 (3)0.0049 (4)0.0011 (3)
O20.0119 (4)0.0100 (4)0.0139 (4)0.0014 (3)0.0007 (4)0.0021 (3)
O30.0173 (5)0.0082 (4)0.0095 (4)0.0010 (3)0.0022 (4)0.0005 (3)

Geometric parameters (Å, º)


Se—O31.7032 (9)Zn1—Cl1iv3.6827 (5)
Se—O11.7074 (9)Zn1—Zn1ii4.1349 (5)
Se—O21.7146 (10)Zn1—Cl2iv4.7786 (5)
Se—Zn22.9404 (3)Zn2—O3v2.0075 (9)
Se—Zn13.3241 (4)Zn2—O2vi2.0487 (10)
Se—Cl1i3.5145 (5)Zn2—O12.1265 (10)
Zn1—O1ii1.9833 (9)Zn2—O32.1503 (9)
Zn1—O22.0308 (10)Zn2—Cl22.4306 (4)
Zn1—Cl12.2225 (4)Zn2—Cl1vi2.7645 (5)
Zn1—Cl22.2255 (4)Zn2—Zn2v3.8734 (4)
Zn1—Zn2iii3.2319 (3)Zn2—Cl2i5.4894 (7)
O3—Se—O191.34 (4)O3v—Zn2—Cl294.03 (3)
O3—Se—O2100.19 (5)O3v—Zn2—Cl1vi86.76 (3)
O1—Se—O2100.59 (5)O2vi—Zn2—O1163.76 (4)
O1ii—Zn1—O299.38 (4)O2vi—Zn2—O395.49 (4)
O1ii—Zn1—Cl1110.22 (3)O2vi—Zn2—Cl290.38 (3)
O2—Zn1—Cl189.91 (3)O2vi—Zn2—Cl1vi75.74 (3)
O1ii—Zn1—Cl2107.56 (3)O1—Zn2—O369.56 (4)
O2—Zn1—Cl2113.37 (3)O1—Zn2—Cl297.66 (3)
Cl1—Zn1—Cl2131.082 (15)O1—Zn2—Cl1vi96.50 (3)
O3v—Zn2—O2vi104.07 (4)O3—Zn2—Cl297.46 (3)
O3v—Zn2—O189.49 (4)O3—Zn2—Cl1vi86.85 (3)
O3v—Zn2—O3157.22 (4)Cl2—Zn2—Cl1vi165.831 (12)

Symmetry codes: (i) x1, y, z; (ii) x+2, y+1, z+1; (iii) x+2, y1/2, z+1/2; (iv) x+3, y+1, z+1; (v) x, y+3/2, z+1/2; (vi) x+2, y+1/2, z+1/2.

Experimental details

Crystal data
Chemical formulaZn2(SeO3)Cl2
Crystal system, space groupMonoclinic, P21/c
Temperature (K)123
a, b, c (Å)7.6699 (8), 10.2612 (11), 7.6571 (8)
β (°) 100.004 (2)
V3)593.47 (11)
Radiation typeMo Kα
µ (mm1)15.02
Crystal size (mm)0.26 × 0.24 × 0.02
Data collection
DiffractometerBruker SMART 2K CCD
Absorption correctionNumerical
(SHELXTL/PC; Sheldrick, 2001b)
Tmin, Tmax0.026, 0.722
No. of measured, independent and
observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections
10582, 2147, 2015
(sin θ/λ)max1)0.758
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.013, 0.032, 1.08
No. of reflections2147
No. of parameters74
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å3)0.46, 0.39

Computer programs: SMART (Bruker, 1999), SAINT (Bruker, 2001), SAINT, SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 1990), SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2001a), SHELXTL/PC (Sheldrick, 2001b), DIAMOND (Brandenburg, 2006) and PLATON (Spek, 2001).

Selected bond lengths (Å)


Se—O31.7032 (9)Zn2—O3ii2.0075 (9)
Se—O11.7074 (9)Zn2—O2iii2.0487 (10)
Se—O21.7146 (10)Zn2—O12.1265 (10)
Zn1—O1i1.9833 (9)Zn2—O32.1503 (9)
Zn1—O22.0308 (10)Zn2—Cl22.4306 (4)
Zn1—Cl12.2225 (4)Zn2—Cl1iii2.7645 (5)
Zn1—Cl22.2255 (4)

Symmetry codes: (i) x+2, y+1, z+1; (ii) x, y+3/2, z+1/2; (iii) x+2, y+1/2, z+1/2.

Zinc selenium oxochloride, β-Zn2(SeO3)Cl2, a synthetic polymorph of the mineral sophiite (36)Zinc selenium oxochloride, β-Zn2(SeO3)Cl2, a synthetic polymorph of the mineral sophiite (37)Subscribe to Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry

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Zinc selenium oxochloride, β-Zn2(SeO3)Cl2, a synthetic polymorph of the mineral sophiite (39)




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Zinc selenium oxochloride, β-Zn2(SeO3)Cl2, a synthetic polymorph of the mineral sophiite (2024)


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